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Content switcher


Content switchers have two main states: selected and unselected. By default, content switcher buttons are unselected with the selected state using a high contrast color.

ClassPropertyColor token
.bx--content-switcher-btntext color$text-secondary
--selectedtext color$text-inverse

Interactive states

Hover states only apply to unselected buttons.

StatePropertyColor token
:hovertext color$text-primary
:disabledtext color$text-disabled
Example of content switcher states


Content switcher label text should be set in sentence case, with only the first word in a phrase and any proper nouns capitalized. The label text should not exceed three words.

ElementFont-size (px/rem)Font-weightType token
Label14 / 0.875Regular / 400$body-compact-01


Content switchers must have at least two options for the user to choose from. Each container that makes up the content switcher is equal in size. The width of a container is determined by the length of the longest container option text plus the 16 px / 1rem on both sides of the text.

ClassPropertypx / remSpacing token
.bx--content-switchercorner radius4px
.bx--content-switcher-btnpadding-left, padding-right16 / 1$spacing-05
Content switcher structure and spacing measurements

Structure and spacing measurements for the default size content switcher | px / rem


SizeHeight px / rem
Small (sm)32 / 2
Medium (md)40 / 2.5
Large (lg)48 / 3
Sizes for content switcher

Content switcher sizes | px / rem